In 2020, Sharnbrook Mill Theatre underwent a branding transformation, complete with new logo and a set of Branding Guidelines so that our marketing and communications are consistent and updated. The following resources are available for use by anyone who needs them for their work for and with Sharnbrook Mill Theatre. We retain copyright of all images and designs. The redesign of the logo was carried out by Jo over at Studio Fifty Three.
The Branding Guidelines
- Branding Guidelines PDF (current version is 1 – 20th October 2020)
The Sharnbrook Mill Theatre logo
- Assorted logos ZIP, including:
- Standard, coloured version for RGB and CMYK usage in JPG and PNG formats.
- Black-on-white version for RGB and CMYK usage in JPG and PNG formats.
- White-on-black version for RGB and CMYK usage in JPG and PNG formats.
- Standard, coloured version for Facebook page banners in JPG and PNG formats.
- Social-media profile version of the logo in JPG and PNG formats. (This format to only be used where a round or square profile picture is required).
- Assorted logos ZIP for Sharnbrook Mill Theatre Youth including JPG and PNG format graphics for both RGB and CMYK usage.
- Standard header and footer for print advertising ZIP
Additional files
- The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service ZIP – please contact us to discuss usage.
- NODA ZIP – single file of the NODA crest.
- Droid Sans font ZIP – including both standard and bold fonts for body text. Other fonts, such as those used in the logo, are used only for the logo.