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Easter Youth Workshop – Saturday, 15th April – Book your place!

Get your Golden Ticket to our Easter workshop!

We will be offering the following activities for children and young people aged 6-16 years from 11am – 3pm on Saturday 15th April at Sharnbrook Mill Theatre.

  • Set Model Making
  • Props/Costume Making
  • Theatrical Make Up/Hair Styling
  • Musical Theatre Session
  • …and an Easter Egg Hunt!

The session costs £10 per person and includes a special Easter treat (but shh, keep that a secret!) 🐰 We’ll also be offering a prize to the best dressed to the theme… So, get your oompa loompa costumes ready! 🏆

We’d like offer participants an opportunity to showcase what they’ve made throughout the day from 3pm to an audience of parent/carers, so please do stick around at the end for a performance of pure imagination!

Please use this Google Form to register for your place. Once you have registered, here are the payment details:

Account Name: Sharnbrook Amateur Theatre Trust Limited
Account Number: 00353689
Sort Code: 09-01-55
Reference: YW Your Child/Children’s Name(s)

Can you help at our workshops?

We’re always on the hunt for helpers to ensure our sessions run smoothly. If you would like to join the Youth Theatre team and support with this event, or others in the future, please email or message Bridie Gibbs ( or 07871 009470).

We are committed to supporting experience opportunities for young leaders, so if you are aged 14-25 and would like to develop your leadership skills, please do get in touch and we’d be happy to guide you 🙂