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Entertaining Angels tickets are now on sale!

Tickets for Sharnbrook Mill Theatre’s production of Entertaining Angels are now on sale. More information on booking Wednesday-Saturday tickets can be found here. Tickets for our Monday Charity Night are available as follows: Tickets for the Tuesday Charity Night are available as follows:

Annual General Meeting & Open Meeting – 20th June at 8pm

Our AGM is taking place on Thursday June 20 at 8pm, followed by an Open Meeting when our 2019 programme will be announced. It is your chance to talk to the governors and have your say on how The Mill is run. We hope to see you there.

2019 membership renewal reminder

This is just a quick reminder to renew your Sharnbrook Mill Theatre membership if you have not already done so. You can read more information about renewing your membership here.

Entertaining Angels now fully cast!

Director David Russell is pleased to announce that Entertaining Angels is now fully cast following the addition of Heather Allan to the cast as “Jo”. The full cast is as follows: Grace– Kaye Stevens Ruth – Becky Woodham Sarah – Leisa Cooke Bardy – Mark Woodham Jo – Heather Allan