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chairman’s message

Sharnbrook Mill Theatre volunteers presented with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service… at last!

Following months of delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, on 17th September 2021, the volunteer team at Sharnbrook Mill Theatre was finally presented with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. QAVS is equivalent to the MBE and is the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK. Here’s… Read More »Sharnbrook Mill Theatre volunteers presented with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service… at last!

A Message from our Chairman

2020 has been an interesting year, to say the least. Like many theatres across the county and country, we’ve had to close our doors to performing plays and musicals – and for the first time since the original society was formed as part of the war effort in 1943, we… Read More »A Message from our Chairman