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New Chairman for Sharnbrook Mill Theatre announced

Sharnbrook Mill Theatre is pleased to announce that Tim Jackson-Waite will take over the role as Chairman of the Sharnbrook Mill Theatre Trust at the end of the year, when Douglas Pope retires.

Tim joined us in 2015 and has appeared in many shows since, as this photo from our June production – The 39 Steps – shows.

After the announcement was made at our AGM, Tim said: “It is an absolute honour that I am taking over as the Chair of Sharnbrook Mill Theatre. We are all custodians of this wonderful place and I can only hope that I have the fortitude, energy and integrity that my predecessor, Doug Pope has shown over the last 43 years. Doug, who is only the second person to undertake the role, has been our steadfast leader and guide since 1979.”

Doug said: “At the AGM, I stated my thanks to everyone connected to the Trust for their support over the years, with particular thanks to my wife Virginia, for without her support, it would have been impossible for me to fulfil my duties. I hand over the baton with confidence to Tim Jackson-Waite who I know is a great choice and has an excellent rapport with all our members. He can rely upon mine and fellow governors’ support.”

We want to take this opportunity to welcome Tim but also thank Doug for his unwavering support and for working tirelessly for decades in a purely voluntary role. Doug will still be on hand to help as he will continue to serve as a governor of the Trust.